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Forget Calorie Counting - This New Study Shows Simple 8-Hour Diet Hack Melts Fat Fast

 A new randomized clinical study that followed 75 people with type 2 diabetes for six months found that those who followed a time-restricted diet lost as much abdominal fat and improved their blood sugar as those who counted calories.

Raw foods for a flexitarian Mediterranean diet, arranged in a group Fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, dairy products, olive oil, eggs, lentils, and red meat (salmon, chicken breast, canned tuna, and cow steak) make up the rest of the ingredient list.

The study found that combining this diet and exercise significantly decreased harmful abdominal fat.

University of Illinois at Chicago nutrition professor and study author Krista Varady wrote in an email, "Our findings show time-restricted eating is a viable alternative for people with type 2 diabetes who are sick of calorie counting for weight loss."

In addition, Varady was the lead author of the research published in July that followed 77 people of various races for a year and found that time-restricted eating was just as effective as calorie monitoring for weight loss.

A recent study published on Friday in JAMA Network Open found that time-restricted eating led to a 3.6% weight loss, while calorie counting led to a 1.8% loss, and the control group lost 0.8%.

Despite having unrestricted access to food, "we found that just by limiting the eating window to 8 hours per day, the time-restricted eating group naturally cut out about 300 calories per day," Varady said.

Varady claims that the discrepancy in weight loss can be attributed to the fact that calorie counters, when requested to reduce their caloric intake by 500 calories per day, found the process "too tedious" and, therefore, only reduced their intake by 200 calories per day.

She also noted that the A1C (a test that averages blood sugar levels over the past three months) significantly improved in both groups, which was both significant and unexpected.

According to a new study, even 2 minutes of walking after a meal can help stabilize blood sugar.

"A1C decreased by nearly a full point (0.9% in both groups). Varady characterized this as "pretty major." They had an initial A1C of 8, and now it's down to 7. A decrease to less than 6.5 indicates that the diabetes has gone into remission.

Dangerous visceral belly fat, which relates to diabetes, heart disease, and stroke, was reduced in equal measures by both groups, according to Varady.

She also noted that "controlling blood sugar is more important for those with type 2 diabetes" but that weight loss (especially visceral fat) typically results in better blood sugar control. Visceral fat and waist circumference were reduced, although not to the same extent in the two groups.

This may be why their blood sugar levels improved similarly, although they lost weight in various ways.

Should everyone trying to reduce weight follow a time-restricted eating plan after seeing these results? Dr. David Katz, an expert in preventative and lifestyle medicine, disagrees. Katz, who was not engaged in the study, is the president and creator of the non-profit True Health Initiative, a global coalition of specialists committed to evidence-based lifestyle medicine.

"Time-restricted eating is a tactic, nothing more, nothing less," Katz wrote in an email. "It's a strategy for 'punching a hole' in your daily calorie consumption. There are no miraculous effects on metabolism; rather, weight loss results from decreased calories consumed.

Before conducting a clinical experiment that demonstrated time-restricted eating to have no benefits for weight loss or cardiovascular health, preventive cardiologist Dr. Ethan Weiss followed it in his personal life. Muscle was lost along with fat and other "lean" tissue in his research participants who fasted from 8 p.m. to noon the next day.

Hummous, a chickpea spread seasoned with sumac and oil, is a staple in Middle Eastern cooking. They are presented alongside flatbread.

The Mediterranean approach to seasoning your food supply

Varady, however, reported that the most recent study found no loss of lean muscle mass.

There were no big differences in body fat, metabolic risk factors, or overall weight between calorie restriction and a 2022 study that tracked 139 overweight Chinese people for a year.

Weiss claims he became fascinated with time-restricted eating after reading about research showing that mice fed a high-fat, high-sugar diet for only eight hours would not gain weight or develop health problems. In contrast, mice fed the same diet, 24/7 Weiss started restricting his eating to noon and 8 p.m. daily in 2014. When his research came back negative, he gave up.

Weiss, who works at the Cardiovascular Research Institute at UC San Francisco, said, "I lost weight when I did it." My loved ones despised it, though, right? We had to cease whatever we were doing by noon since I was usually "hangry" if we left the house at 11 a.m. to go out. People complained about me being a nuisance.

The latest study was "nicely done," according to Weiss, who was not involved in it but maintains that the benefits of tracking time rather than calories remain debatable.

Even though "there is a huge debate among scientists on the topic," Weiss added, "it doesn't feel like a magic bullet" to him. It may be part of a package of services we can provide to people. That makes sense.

Experts agree that making good decisions is essential for weight loss but that having support is invaluable.

Experts agree that making good decisions is essential for weight loss but that having support is invaluable.

Individuals vary

Experts say the ideal way to lose weight varies from person to person, so there are many different diets. One thing is certain, though: It helps to have people cheer you on while you work to lose weight.

According to Varady, we met with the study participants twice a month for the final three months and once weekly for the first three months to hold them accountable. "Find a weight-loss support group or work with a dietitian who can hold you accountable," the article advises.

Varady advised those who think time-restricted eating could benefit them to begin with a 10- to 12-hour window and reduce it to 8 hours for a couple of weeks.

Top view of raw sea bass on a chopping board with other ingredients (vegetables, grains, herbs, and spices) against a hardwood background

Dementia risk reduction is associated with a Mediterranean diet.

Since some drugs might induce low blood sugar if they aren't taken with meals, she recommends that people with type 2 diabetes consult with their doctor or a dietitian before attempting time-restricted eating.

Dehydration can cause symptoms like headaches, which can be mitigated by drinking plenty of water during the fast, she added.

Some people benefit from time-restricted eating, but it's only for some, according to Katz. He argued that having multiple strategies was beneficial because it allowed more people to pick one that suited their needs and preferences.

The author concludes, "Finally, calorie-control tactics can be superimposed on any dietary pattern, but there is no substitute for the overall quality of that diet." 

When we eat, it is less significant than what we consume.

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